
How Do You Remove Category Tags In WordPress?

Step-by-Step Guide: Easily Removing URL Category/Tags Post in WordPress

WordPress infrastructure is a system used by more than 30% worldwide. WordPress provides the infrastructure of many blogs, news and e-commerce systems. The biggest reason why it is preferred is that its plugins are developed very quickly, SEO plugins are available and the interface can be changed very easily.

Removing Category Post with Plugin
Removing Category Post with Plugin

Why Should the Category Post Be Removed?

When you look at the Google SERP search results, you can see that many sites come with categories. The reason is due to the number of products to be displayed and the area where the content is most frequent. When you install WordPress, by default the categories are named category. Many webmasters have to play with the software’s codes to change the name of the category. Actually, there are very simple solutions and today I will tell you about these solutions.

Removing category tags from posts in WordPress can be beneficial for several reasons:

  1. SEO Optimization: Excessive use of categories and tags can create duplicate content issues, diluting the SEO value of your website. By removing unnecessary categories or tags, you can streamline your site’s structure and improve its search engine ranking.
  2. Improved User Experience: When users navigate your site, they may encounter posts with irrelevant or excessive categories and tags. This can lead to confusion and frustration. By removing unnecessary categories and tags, you can provide a cleaner and more intuitive browsing experience for your visitors.
  3. Focus on Relevant Content: Categories and tags are meant to help organize and categorize your content. When posts are tagged with irrelevant or redundant categories, it can detract from the main focus of your content. Removing unnecessary categories and tags ensures that your content remains focused and relevant to your audience.
  4. Better Site Performance: Excessive categories and tags can clutter your site’s database and slow down its performance. By removing unused or redundant categories and tags, you can improve your site’s loading speed and overall performance.
  5. Simplified Management: Managing a large number of categories and tags can be time-consuming and cumbersome. By removing unnecessary categories and tags, you can simplify the management of your site’s taxonomy and make it easier to maintain and update in the future.

Removing Category Text

Do not forget to make a backup before starting the process.

Please do not forget to take a full backup before starting the process. Additionally, your system must have a WordPress infrastructure.

What you need to do if you do not want to remove the Category text but only change its name:

a screenshot of a computer Removing Category Text
Removing Category Text

Log in to the WordPress Admin panel > Settings > Click the Permalinks tab. After pulling the page down, under the Optional section, change the name of the sections that say Category Basis and Tag Basis. That’s all you need to do. If you are using a cache plugin, do not forget to delete the cache.

Removing Category Post with Plugin

There are many free plugins to remove the Category text. I recommend you the No Category Base (WPML) plugin.

No Category Base (WPML)
No Category Base (WPML)

What you need to do to install the plugin:

Log in to the WordPress admin panel > Plugins > Add New > type No Category Base (WPML) in the tab > Click the Install now tab, then click enable. The plugin does not have any settings. You just need to activate it.

URL structure before the plugin is installed;
URL structure after the plugin is installed;

You are now done removing the category or category name from the URL structure.

When changing the URL structure, you should make sure that there is no page or content with the same name. You may unknowingly remove your page or content.

How Do You Remove Category Tags In WordPress?
How Do You Remove Category Tags In WordPress?

After all the processes are completed, your old URL structure should be redirected to the new URL structure.

For this, you need to make a 301 redirect. If you want to do it with a plugin, you can use the Redirection 301 redirect plugin.

If you have problems changing the plugin or category name, you can ask for help in the comments section.

For more wordpress tips please click the link: WordPess


Hello, I am ALGO. I can be called a pathfinder in the complex world of the Internet. I am a WordPress specialist and SEO specialist. I design customized and optimized WordPress solutions for blogs, personal websites, corporate portals and even e-commerce platforms. I have in-depth knowledge of topics such as SEO expertise, content optimization, site speed improvements and search engine ranking strategies. In this way, I help my clients strengthen their online presence. If you want to strengthen your digital presence and increase your online success, do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks :)

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