
How To Do Social Media Analysis For 2024?

Social Media Analysis and Importance of Social Media Analysis

Story Highlights
  • What is Social Media Analysis?
  • The Importance of Social Media Analysis
  • How to Do Social Media Analysis?
  • Making Social Media Analysis Suitable for SEO
  • What Are Social Media Analysis Tools?
  • Use of Google Analytics

Social media analysis has become an integral part of marketing strategies in today’s digital age. It is critical for brands and businesses to understand customer behavior, gain competitive advantage and optimize their marketing efforts by evaluating their performance on social media platforms. In this article, I’ll take a look at “What social media analytics is, how it’s done, how it can be optimized for SEO and how to do social media analysis?“.

How to do social media analysis?
How to do social media analysis?

What is Social Media Analysis?

Monitoring, evaluations and improvements made in order to increase social media performance are social media analysis. You can increase your potential customer base and brand awareness by making improvements to your social media accounts.

social media analysis
social media analysis

The Importance of Social Media Analysis

Social media analysis is the process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data on social media platforms. This analysis helps brands understand how they are performing on social media, monitor customer behavior and optimize their marketing strategies. Social media analytics offers many advantages such as:

Audience Understanding: Social media analysis helps in understanding the interests, needs and expectations of the target audience. Thus, brands can create more effective content and strengthen customer relationships.

Competitive Analysis: Social media analysis provides data to monitor the social media performance of competing brands. In this way, brands can follow their competitors in their sectors and develop differentiation strategies.

Campaign Evaluation: Measuring the social media impact of marketing campaigns helps identify successful campaigns and make future campaigns more effective.

Customer Service Improvement: Allows tracking of social media analytics, customer complaints and feedback. Brands can increase customer satisfaction by responding quickly to this feedback.

How to do social media analysis?
How to do social media analysis?

How to Do Social Media Analysis?

Social media analysis can be performed with the following steps:

Goal Setting: Before starting the analysis, specific goals need to be set. For example, targets such as sales increase, brand awareness, customer interaction should be determined.

Data Collection: Various tools and platforms can be used to collect data for social media analysis. These tools provide important data such as likes, shares, comments, hashtag usage and page interactions.

Data Analysis: The collected data should be analyzed and interpreted. Statistical analysis is important for detecting trends and understanding user behavior.

Reporting: Analysis results should be presented in easily understandable reports. Reports should be supplemented with visual graphs and statistics to inform decision makers.

Interpretation and Action: Interpreting data is critical for optimizing marketing strategies and identifying future steps. Taking action based on analysis results is important for improving social media strategies.

How to do social media analysis?
How to do social media analysis?

Making Social Media Analysis Suitable for SEO

Making social media analytics SEO (Search Engine Optimization) compliant helps brands make their digital assets more visible and reach their target audience. The following steps are important to make social media analytics SEO-friendly:

Determination of Keywords: Keywords should also be determined in social media analysis. Targeted keywords should be used in social media posts and profile descriptions.

Optimized Titles and Descriptions: The titles and descriptions of the posts should be optimized to include the targeted keywords.

Hashtag Usage: Relevant and popular hashtags help content reach a wider audience. By analyzing hashtags, it is important to identify the most effective ones.

Monitoring User Interactions and Shares: Social media analysis shows which content gets more engagement and shares more. Based on this data, it is important for SEO to create effective content strategies and produce similar content.

Creating Backlinks: Social media profiles and posts can create natural backlinks to your website.

Users who share your content can create positive effects in terms of SEO by providing traffic to your website thanks to these shares. That’s why it’s important to focus on backlink building opportunities by creating compelling and engaging content to share.

Content Suitable for Social Media Platforms: Each social media platform has a different audience and user behavior. Developing content strategies specific to each platform based on analysis results will help users get more engagement and share content.

Following Current Trends: Topics and trends that are quickly popular on social media platforms can offer opportunities for SEO. Therefore, it is important to produce content by following current trends and to use hashtags suitable for these trends.

Conversion Tracking: By using conversion tracking codes in social media analysis, you can monitor the contribution of traffic from social media platforms to conversions on your website. Thus, you can evaluate the effectiveness of social media strategies and make improvements when necessary.

Visibility of Social Media Posts in Search Results: Some social media posts may also appear in search results. Therefore, by optimizing your content and posting with targeted keywords, you can gain more visibility in search results.

User Feedback and Comments: Considering users’ feedback and comments during social media analysis can offer valuable insights to improve social media strategies. Thanking positive reviews and responding positively to negative reviews can help boost your brand reputation.

How to do social media analysis?
How to do social media analysis?

What Are Social Media Analysis Tools?

Here is a list of some popular social media analysis tools:

  1. Hootsuite: Hootsuite is a widely used social media management platform that allows users to manage multiple social media accounts, schedule content, and track analytics and performance metrics.
  2. Buffer: Buffer is a social media scheduling tool that enables users to plan and schedule content across different social media platforms. It also provides basic analytics to track engagement and interactions.
  3. Sprout Social: Sprout Social is a comprehensive social media management and analytics tool that offers features such as content scheduling, follower analysis, engagement reports, and competitor analysis.
  4. Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a powerful web analytics tool that helps track website traffic, including traffic from social media platforms. It provides insights into user behavior, conversions, and social media referral sources.
  5. Socialbakers: Socialbakers is an advanced social media analytics tool that offers in-depth data monitoring and analysis. It provides performance metrics, competitor analysis, and audience insights.
  6. BuzzSumo: BuzzSumo specializes in content analysis, helping users find popular and trending content based on specific keywords or topics. It also provides insights into influencer interactions and content performance.
  7. Keyhole: Keyhole is a tool that focuses on hashtag tracking, keyword analysis, and influencer engagement monitoring. It helps users discover trends, measure campaign performance, and identify top-performing content.
  8. Mention: Mention is a social listening tool that allows brands to monitor mentions of their name or keywords across various online platforms, including social media. It helps manage brand reputation and respond to customer feedback.
  9. Agorapulse: Agorapulse is a social media management and analytics tool that offers content scheduling, audience engagement tracking, and performance reports. It also provides competitor analysis and sentiment monitoring.
  10. SocialPilot: SocialPilot is a social media scheduling and analytics tool that helps manage multiple social media accounts. It provides insights into post performance, audience engagement, and growth metrics.
  11. Iconosquare: Iconosquare is primarily focused on Instagram analytics, providing insights into audience demographics, content performance, and engagement metrics.
  12. is a social media management platform that includes analytics, social listening, content planning, and audience engagement features.

These tools offer various features and pricing plans to cater to different business needs and budgets. Depending on your specific requirements, you can choose the one that best suits your social media analysis needs and helps you make data-driven decisions to improve your social media strategy.

How to do social media analysis?
How to do social media analysis?

Use of Google Analytics

The place where you can track the conversions to your social media shares for free is the Google Analytics service. It is possible to observe where your traffic is coming from via Google Analytics. In this way, it is also easy to determine the traffic coming from social media.
Links from social media do not directly affect SEO. That’s why it’s important that shared links get traffic.

The more time users who come to our website via social media spend on the site, this will signal to search engines that the quality of our content is good. This will also lead to better rankings in the serp results if it keeps repeating for a certain period of time.

How to do social media analysis
How to do social media analysis

As a result, social media analysis is critical for optimizing digital marketing strategies and acting in an SEO-compliant manner. Creating user-focused and engaging content with targeted keywords will enable you to get more interaction on social media platforms and rank your brand higher in search engines. By constantly updating your strategies based on analysis results, you can gain a competitive advantage and communicate more effectively with your target audience.



Hello, I am ALGO. I can be called a pathfinder in the complex world of the Internet. I am a WordPress specialist and SEO specialist. I design customized and optimized WordPress solutions for blogs, personal websites, corporate portals and even e-commerce platforms. I have in-depth knowledge of topics such as SEO expertise, content optimization, site speed improvements and search engine ranking strategies. In this way, I help my clients strengthen their online presence. If you want to strengthen your digital presence and increase your online success, do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks :)

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