
8 Best WordPress Anti Spam Plugins – 2024 WP Anti-Spam Guide

What is Spam? The bombardment of messages sent to a large number of people at the same time and without permission is simply called spam.

It is undoubtedly a very boring and disturbing situation to encounter hundreds of unnecessary e-mails from channels you do not know every time you open your mailbox and to try to delete them, or to see many irrelevant and unwanted messages sent to the comment section when you log in to the admin panel of your website. Although legal sanctions have now been put into effect for these unauthorized postings, it seems that they will be in life for a long time. Here I have compiled the best WordPress anti spam plugins that work for you to prevent this.

So What is Spam? Answer: The bombardment of messages sent to a large number of people at the same time and without permission is simply called spam. 

We talked about your e-mail or website admin panel. However, spam is not just sent as e-mails or comments. Your phones, social media accounts and even your personal computers may be threatened by spam from time to time. You may see advertising banners appearing on your screen due to a virus infecting your computer in any way. We will be addressing these problems that infect computers and have reached quite disturbing levels here in the coming days. Now let’s get back to the spam problems mainly encountered on websites.

Our main goal is spam posts, especially targeting the comment sections of WordPress sites. If precautions are not taken, these messages sent through the comment sections can reach levels that will strain the server and prevent your site from opening. So How to Solve the Spam Problem for Wordpress Sites? The answer to this question is very simple. I have carefully prepared my article titled 8 Best Anti-Spam Plugins for WordPress, which I prepared as a solution, as well as your bedside guide so that you can always use it against unwanted e-mails and spam comments.

Effective Solution Against Wordpress Spam

Effective Solution Against Wordpress Spam
Effective Solution Against Wordpress Spam | Best Wordpress Anti spam Plugins

It is imperative to find an effective and permanent solution to deal with spam attacks targeting websites. As a website owner that your users follow, you have to ensure the security of your website and your users. If you have a Wordpress-based website, it would be wiser to use plugins written specifically for it instead of dealing with codes. When it comes to WordPress, a site without an anti-spam plugin is always more prone to spam attacks.

Remember, if the person or people who are committing spam attacks notice that your website is vulnerable to this, then they may decide that the general security of your website is weak and attempt to hack it, or they may cause you serious damage with more malicious attacks. How does serious harm occur? If your site is hacked, it will also be very easy for your personal computer to be hacked. It’s not hard to predict what will happen next.. Therefore, a long-established, permanent, quality solution is always the smart thing to do.

Best Wordpress Anti spam Plugins

In this article, we have written a list of the best performing Best Anti-Spam Plugins for WordPress based on global user ratings and our recommendations to ensure you have the best protection against spam. Now let’s examine these together;

1 – Akismet

Akismet | Best Wordpress Anti spam Plugins

Akismet is the most widely used antispam plugin worldwide. In terms of user base and popularity, it has established a more successful and independent position among other plugins. Moreover, the great part about this plugin is that it integrates with WordPress. Therefore, you do not need to go through any extra installation trouble. However, you need to use an API key to activate this plugin. Akismet is a very comprehensive all-in-one plugin that comes in free and paid versions. It offers a comprehensive anti-spam solution, from comments to trackbacks and contact form messages.

2 – Anti-Spam Bee

Anti-Spam Bee is a very successful anti-spam WordPress plugin
Anti-Spam Bee | Best Wordpress Anti spam Plugins

Anti-Spam Bee is a very successful anti-spam WordPress plugin worth considering. You can also monitor the database to see if there is any impact other than spam comments sent to your website. Additionally, the free version is suitable for both personal and commercial use. Moreover, you will be able to monitor the daily and monthly statistics of spam submissions in detail and periodically take necessary actions against the spam database.

3 – Spam Master

Spam Master Wordpress anti spam plugin
Spam Master | Best Wordpress Anti spam Plugins

There is an interesting slogan used for this plugin. Like this; “Do you have a spam problem? The solution lies in Spam Master.” As a result of the tests, it was observed that it performed seriously well. In other words, they largely comply with their slogans. Spam Master Wordpress anti spam plugin provides top performance. A comprehensive plugin that will successfully implement security functions for all your IPs, emails, website comment fields, domains and all connected domains.

Apart from Spam Master protecting your website against spam users and the fake posts and comments they try to create, this plugin is also known for its modular option feature. This special feature allows you to install only all the elements needed to protect your website and keep spam-free messages at full capacity.

4 – reCaptcha by BestWebSoft

reCaptcha by BestWebSoft
reCaptcha by BestWebSoft | Best Wordpress Anti spam Plugins

You can monitor your website professionally with ReCaptcha. It is a successful and ideal anti-spam plugin to prevent attempts such as unwanted comments coming to your site from unnecessary sources and logging into your admin panel by trial and error method. The plugin also has Turkish language support.

It provides serious protection to your WordPress site against fake login attempts and bot operations on member registration, login, comments and forgotten password pages. To provide an advanced security feature, the plugin prompts the user to perform a ReCaptcha check before performing the desired action. The user on your site must prove that they are not a robot. Therefore, a bot attack will be prevented in the first place.

5 – CleanTalk

CleanTalk | Best Wordpress Anti spam Plugins

CleanTalk is a multi-filter WordPress Anti-Spam plugin. Due to its feature-rich options, it has taken its place on our list as one of the best free anti-spam WordPress plugins as a result of our reviews. It offers a protective shield against all kinds of spam attacks. With a comprehensive range of advanced protection features, it keeps you protected from a wide range of things, from spam comments, spam bot registrations, form registrations, emails and even WooCommerce spam attempts. Even though it is a premium plugin, it offers you a 14-day free trial. So you can test its quality before paying money.

6 – WordPress Zero Spam

WordPress Zero Spam is a great WordPress anti-spam plugin
WordPress Zero Spam | Best Wordpress Anti spam Plugins

WordPress Zero Spam is a great WordPress anti-spam plugin that can successfully eliminate spam attacks on your website. The most highlighted feature of this plugin is its personalized configuration settings. You can enable or disable options such as automatic IP blocking, comments, registration support, private messages and many more features according to your preference. And another good news. WordPress Zero Spam is completely free.

7 – Stop Spammers

Stop Spammers
Stop Spammers | Best Wordpress Anti spam Plugins

Stop Spammers is an effective plugin to prevent spam coming through your website’s comment feature and to successfully control suspicious login behavior. It also allows you to take advantage of various advanced features such as email spam protection, block spam registration, block spam in the first place, and restrict malicious users from sending spam. It also gives you options to run diagnostic tests, view activity, and more to make your experience better. Its flexible and more advanced customized settings feature is another reason why we included this plugin in our list of Best Free Wordpress Anti-Spam Plugins.

8 – WP Armour

WP Armour
WP Armour | Best Wordpress Anti spam Plugins

Introducing WP Armour, the seamless anti-spam plugin designed with user experience in mind, much like Akismet. If prioritizing a smooth user journey is paramount to you, WP Armour stands out as an excellent choice for combating spam effectively.

WP Armour employs an ingenious Javascript approach to establish a “honeypot trap.” This entails incorporating an additional hidden field discernible solely to bots. Upon completion of this hidden field by bots, the plugin swiftly identifies and intercepts the content, categorizing it as spam and subsequently blocking it from infiltrating your website.

Effective Solution Suggestions to Protect from Spam

Effective Solution Suggestions to Protect from Spam
Effective Solution Suggestions to Protect from Spam | Best Wordpress Anti spam Plugins

As of today, there is no structure or system that will completely stop and radically prevent spam attacks. There is no such solution available. It seems like some people will continue illegal activities such as hacking and spamming for a while. However, we are stronger as those who have won against them. We can implement powerful solutions against spam. We have some suggestions for this.

» Ensure Domain Privacy: Implementing the domain privacy option to prevent spam, malware and unwanted malicious requests always yields very successful results. If you are not visible, your risk of being attacked will decrease.

» Use reCAPTCHA in the Contact Form: The reCAPTCHA feature is a very effective tool to prevent spam attacks on your site. To make security more robust, you can enable reCAPTCHA, set security questions, and disallow links for comments.

» IP Address Blocking: You can block certain IP addresses that you have determined have previously sent spam to your website. Even if you do not want traffic from some countries or regions, you can use the IP restriction feature for the country or region.

» Do not click on spam links in comments: People sending spam messages may try to deceive you with attractive texts and attractive deals in the form of backlinks in order to distract your attention from the real source and hide their purpose. Stop browsing these links to protect your website from information theft, malware, and hacking attempts.

» Make sure to use an SSL certificate for both your website and your e-mail server if it is independent.

» Get a firewall service for your e-mail server, keeping the possibility of hacking at all times a possibility.

» Prefer to use SpamAssassin for spam filtering on your server.

» Do not open any suspicious e-mails whose source you do not know. If you have opened it, delete it without replying and scan your computer for viruses.

» Do not click on any link, pdf file or image in an e-mail from a source you do not know, no matter what type of file it is.

» Use a firewall and a licensed quality antivirus program on your computer.

» Before opening files with .exe extension, even if they are from sources you know, be sure to have them approved by the sender. Otherwise, you can trigger the virus to run with a click.

» Do not share your e-mail address openly on every platform.

In this article, I introduced you to “the Best Wordpress Anti Spam Plugins”. For my other articles, please click on the link: Algorithm Man

10 Essential WordPress Plugins for SEO


Hello, I am ALGO. I can be called a pathfinder in the complex world of the Internet. I am a WordPress specialist and SEO specialist. I design customized and optimized WordPress solutions for blogs, personal websites, corporate portals and even e-commerce platforms. I have in-depth knowledge of topics such as SEO expertise, content optimization, site speed improvements and search engine ranking strategies. In this way, I help my clients strengthen their online presence. If you want to strengthen your digital presence and increase your online success, do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks :)

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