
Joomla vs WordPress Comparison: Which CMS Is Best For You?

Are you still unsure about which CMS to choose? Joomla vs. WordPress: Compare these leading CMS platforms in detail. Learn about ease of use, flexibility, performance, SEO, and more to decide which is best for your website.

When it comes to content management systems (CMS), Joomla vs WordPress are two of the most prominent names in the industry. Each platform has its pros and cons. The best choice depends on what you need, whether you’re a developer, designer, or business owner. In this article, I’ll compare Joomla vs WordPress, looking at their features, ease of use, flexibility, and suitability for different types of websites.

joomla content management system logo

What is Joomla?

Joomla is an open-source content management system (CMS) used for building and managing websites. It offers:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy content management.
  • Flexibility: Customizable with templates and extensions.
  • Multilingual Support: Built-in support for multiple languages.
  • Advanced Content Management: Article organization, tagging, and custom content types.
  • Robust User Management: Allows complex access control.

Joomla is suitable for business websites, e-commerce, portals, and community sites, and has strong scalability and security features.

What is wordpress wordpress logo image

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a popular open-source content management system (CMS) used for creating and managing websites and blogs. It is known for its:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to use, even for beginners, with a simple dashboard for managing content.
  • Extensive Customization: Offers a wide range of themes and plugins to tailor the site’s appearance and functionality.
  • Flexibility: Suitable for various types of websites, from personal blogs to complex e-commerce stores.
  • SEO-Friendly: Includes features and plugins that help with search engine optimization.
  • Large Community: A vast community provides support, resources, and regular updates.

WordPress is widely used due to its ease of use, flexibility, and the ability to create anything from simple blogs to advanced websites.

What is Joomla vs WordPress?

Joomla vs WordPress refers to a comparison between two popular open-source content management systems (CMS) used for building and managing websites. Here’s a brief overview of each:

  • Strengths:
    • Flexibility: Highly customizable with various extensions and templates.
    • User Management: Advanced user management and access control.
    • Multilingual Support: Built-in support for multiple languages.
  • Ideal For: Complex websites, business sites, and community portals with advanced user management needs.
  • Strengths:
    • Ease of Use: Intuitive and beginner-friendly interface.
    • Extensive Plugins and Themes: Large selection of plugins and themes for customization.
    • SEO-Friendly: Many SEO tools and plugins available.
  • Ideal For: Blogs, small to medium-sized websites, and e-commerce stores with a focus on ease of use and flexibility.
Key Differences
  • Complexity: Joomla can be more complex but offers more advanced features; WordPress is generally easier for beginners.
  • Customization: Both offer extensive customization, but WordPress has a larger ecosystem of themes and plugins.
  • Use Cases: Joomla is often used for more complex sites, while WordPress is preferred for its simplicity and versatility in various types of websites.

Overview of Joomla vs WordPress

Overview of Joomla vs WordPress

Without further ado, let’s take a general look at Joomla vs Wordpress.


  • Launch Date: September 2005
  • Developer: Open Source Matters, Inc.
  • Purpose: Initially designed for portal-like websites, Joomla has evolved into a versatile CMS that can manage all types of sites, from small blogs to complex enterprise websites.
  • Market Share: Around 2.6% of all websites (as of 2024)
  • Community: Active and diverse, with a strong presence in forums, meetups, and online tutorials.


  • Launch Date: May 2003
  • Developer: WordPress Foundation
  • Purpose: Originally a blogging platform, WordPress has grown into a full-fledged CMS capable of powering a wide variety of websites.
  • Market Share: Dominates the market with over 43% of all websites (as of 2024)
  • Community: The largest and most active community, with countless themes, plugins, tutorials, and support resources.

Now let’s take a deeper look at the Joomla vs WordPress comparison.


Ease of Use

Comparison of Joomla vs Wordpress in terms of Ease of Use:


  • User Interface: WordPress is widely recognized for its user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced developers. The dashboard is intuitive, with a clean layout and straightforward navigation.
  • Content Management: Adding and managing content in WordPress is simple, thanks to its visual editor (Gutenberg) and the classic editor option. Users can easily create pages, posts, and media with minimal effort.
  • Learning Curve: WordPress has a gentle learning curve, making it ideal for those new to website development. Extensive documentation, tutorials, and a large community mean help is always available.


  • User Interface: Joomla’s interface is more complex than WordPress, which can be a barrier for beginners. The dashboard offers more advanced options, which may be overwhelming for those unfamiliar with web development.
  • Content Management: Joomla provides powerful content management capabilities, allowing users to create more complex site structures. However, the process of adding and managing content is not as straightforward as in WordPress.
  • Learning Curve: Joomla has a steeper learning curve, particularly for users without technical experience. However, for those willing to invest time in learning, Joomla offers more advanced features and flexibility.

Flexibility and Customization

Comparison of Joomla vs Wordpress in terms of Flexibility and Customization:


  • Themes and Plugins: WordPress boasts a vast library of themes and plugins, both free and premium. This extensive repository allows users to customize their sites to suit any design or functionality requirement. The themes cater to various niches, from eCommerce to portfolios, while plugins extend the platform’s capabilities with ease.
  • Customization: WordPress is highly customizable, even for non-developers. With the Gutenberg editor, users can create complex page layouts with blocks. Developers can also modify themes and plugins or create custom solutions using PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Community Support: The large WordPress community contributes to a wealth of tutorials, forums, and documentation, making it easier to find solutions to specific customization needs.


  • Templates and Extensions: Joomla offers a variety of templates and extensions, though not as extensive as WordPress. Joomla’s templates are more flexible in some cases, allowing for different layouts within the same site. Extensions in Joomla are powerful and can be used to build complex sites, but they require a higher level of technical knowledge.
  • Customization: Joomla is known for its flexibility, particularly in managing different types of content and users. It supports multiple templates on a single site, which is ideal for sites with varied design needs. Joomla’s module-based approach allows for more granular control over content display.
  • Community Support: While smaller than WordPress’s, Joomla’s community is active and provides ample resources for those looking to customize their sites.

Set of web development vertical banners. Idea of website planning,design, programming and testing. Set of internet and electronic icons. Isolated flat vector illustration


Comparison of Joomla vs Wordpress in terms of Performance:


  • Speed: WordPress sites can be very fast, but performance depends heavily on the choice of hosting, themes, and plugins. Poorly coded themes or plugins can slow down a site, but with proper optimization, WordPress can deliver excellent performance.
  • Optimization Tools: There are numerous plugins available for caching, image optimization, and minimizing CSS/JavaScript, which can significantly boost WordPress site speed.
  • Hosting: WordPress is compatible with nearly all web hosts, and many providers offer specialized WordPress hosting that enhances performance through server-level optimizations.


  • Speed: Joomla is generally fast out of the box, especially with good hosting. Its more robust caching system and efficient code structure often lead to better performance in complex sites compared to WordPress.
  • Optimization Tools: Joomla has built-in performance-enhancing features like page caching, Gzip compression, and image optimization. Extensions are also available to further optimize the site’s performance.
  • Hosting: Like WordPress, Joomla works well with most web hosts. However, finding hosting tailored specifically to Joomla can be more challenging.

Wordpress SEO

SEO Capabilities

Comparison of Joomla vs Wordpress in terms of Search Engine Optimization:


  • SEO Plugins: WordPress excels in SEO thanks to plugins like Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack. These plugins provide comprehensive tools to optimize meta tags, generate XML sitemaps, and analyze content for SEO best practices.
  • Permalinks: WordPress allows for easy customization of permalinks, making it simple to create SEO-friendly URLs.
  • Content Structure: The Gutenberg editor in WordPress enables better content structuring with headings, internal linking, and media integration, all crucial for on-page SEO.
  • Mobile Optimization: Many WordPress themes are responsive, ensuring that your site is mobile-friendly—a critical factor for SEO.


  • SEO Features: Joomla also has strong SEO capabilities built-in. It allows for the customization of meta descriptions, keywords, and page titles. Joomla’s URL rewriting feature is also robust, enabling the creation of clean, SEO-friendly URLs.
  • Extensions: Joomla’s SEO can be enhanced with extensions like sh404SEF, which offers advanced URL management, metadata control, and analytics integration.
  • Content Management: Joomla’s powerful content management system allows for better categorization and tagging, which can improve SEO. However, it may require more effort to achieve the same level of SEO optimization as WordPress.
  • Mobile Optimization: Joomla templates are generally responsive, but achieving a fully optimized mobile experience might require additional customization.

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Comparison of Joomla vs Wordpress in terms of Security:


  • Vulnerability: As the most popular CMS, WordPress is often targeted by hackers. Security vulnerabilities usually arise from outdated plugins, themes, or core files.
  • Security Plugins: WordPress offers a wide range of security plugins like Wordfence and Sucuri, which help protect sites from malware, brute-force attacks, and other threats.
  • Community Support: The large WordPress community quickly addresses security vulnerabilities and regularly updates the platform to patch any security flaws.


  • Vulnerability: Joomla is less frequently targeted by hackers compared to WordPress, but it still faces security challenges. However, Joomla’s core is known for being more secure by default.
  • Security Extensions: Joomla provides security extensions like RSFirewall and JomDefender, which offer comprehensive protection. Additionally, Joomla’s security-focused settings (like enforcing SSL and two-factor authentication) are more easily configurable.
  • Community Support: Joomla has an active security strike team that monitors vulnerabilities and releases patches as needed.

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Comparison of Joomla vs Wordpress in terms of Scalability:


  • Scalability: WordPress can scale from a small blog to a high-traffic eCommerce site. However, managing a large WordPress site may require significant resources and optimization.
  • Multisite Feature: WordPress Multisite allows users to manage multiple websites from a single installation, which is useful for enterprises or large organizations.
  • Resource Management: As your site grows, you may need to invest in more powerful hosting and advanced caching solutions to maintain performance.


  • Scalability: Joomla is well-suited for complex and large-scale websites, such as corporate portals or government sites. It can handle heavy traffic and large volumes of content more efficiently than WordPress.
  • Content Management: Joomla’s ability to manage complex site structures, user roles, and content hierarchies makes it ideal for scaling.
  • Resource Management: Joomla’s performance remains stable as the site grows, but like WordPress, it benefits from good hosting and optimization practices.

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E-commerce Capabilities

Comparison of Joomla vs Wordpress in terms of E-commerce Capabilities:


  • WooCommerce: WordPress powers a significant portion of online stores, primarily through the WooCommerce plugin. WooCommerce offers a vast range of extensions and themes tailored for e-commerce, making it a powerful tool for creating online shops.
  • Payment Gateways: WooCommerce supports numerous payment gateways, from PayPal to Stripe, and offers many plugins for additional payment methods.
  • Flexibility: WordPress’s flexible architecture allows you to build almost any type of e-commerce site, from a simple storefront to a complex, multi-vendor marketplace.


  • VirtueMart: Joomla’s primary e-commerce extension is VirtueMart, which provides robust features for creating online stores. While not as popular as WooCommerce, VirtueMart is highly customizable and integrates well with Joomla’s core features.
  • Payment Gateways: VirtueMart supports multiple payment gateways, and additional plugins are available to extend payment options. However, the selection is not as extensive as what is available for WooCommerce.
  • Flexibility: Joomla and VirtueMart offer considerable flexibility in building e-commerce sites. Joomla’s ability to handle complex structures makes it suitable for larger, more complex online stores that require advanced management features.

Community and Support

Comparison of Joomla vs Wordpress in terms of Community and Support:


  • Community Size: WordPress has the largest CMS community in the world. This means there are endless resources, including forums, blogs, tutorials, and video guides. Users can find solutions to almost any problem, and the extensive documentation is regularly updated.
  • Professional Support: Due to its popularity, finding professional developers, designers, and consultants who specialize in WordPress is relatively easy. There are also numerous agencies dedicated to WordPress development.
  • Meetups and Conferences: WordPress has a global presence with frequent meetups, WordCamps, and other community events where users and developers can share knowledge and network.


  • Community Size: Joomla has a smaller, but very dedicated community. While resources may not be as abundant as in the WordPress ecosystem, there is still a wealth of tutorials, forums, and documentation available.
  • Professional Support: Joomla specialists are available, but finding the right professional might take more effort compared to WordPress. However, Joomla developers often have experience with more complex and custom solutions.
  • Meetups and Conferences: Joomla also hosts global meetups and events like JoomlaDays, where community members can learn, share, and collaborate.

Multilingual Support

Comparison of Joomla vs Wordpress in Terms of Multilingualism:


  • Multilingual Plugins: WordPress requires plugins like WPML or Polylang to support multilingual websites. These plugins are powerful and offer a range of features, but they add complexity to site management.
  • Ease of Use: Managing a multilingual site in WordPress is relatively straightforward with the right plugin, but it can become cumbersome if the site has a lot of content or complex language needs.
  • SEO for Multilingual Sites: SEO for multilingual WordPress sites can be managed effectively with plugins that handle hreflang tags, translations, and language-specific content.


  • Built-in Multilingual Support: Joomla has native multilingual support, making it easier to create and manage a multilingual site without relying on third-party extensions. You can set up language packs and translations directly within Joomla.
  • Ease of Use: Joomla’s multilingual capabilities are built into its core, so setting up and managing a multilingual site is more seamless compared to WordPress.
  • SEO for Multilingual Sites: Joomla’s integrated approach to multilingual content ensures that language-specific SEO is handled efficiently, with clean URLs and proper hreflang tags.

Content Management and Flexibility

Comparison of Joomla vs Wordpress in Terms of Content Management and Flexibility:


  • Post Types and Taxonomies: WordPress supports custom post types and taxonomies, which allow for a great deal of flexibility in content organization. This is particularly useful for creating different types of content, such as portfolios, testimonials, and products.
  • Page Builders: WordPress offers various page builder plugins like Elementor, Divi, and Beaver Builder, which allow users to create complex page layouts without coding. These tools are highly popular and extend the design flexibility of WordPress.
  • Multimedia Handling: WordPress has strong support for multimedia, making it easy to manage images, videos, and audio files. The media library is user-friendly and supports basic editing features.


  • Content Organization: Joomla’s content organization is more sophisticated, with its core system supporting multiple content types and hierarchical content structures. This is ideal for sites with complex content needs.
  • Module Flexibility: Joomla uses modules to display content in various positions on the page, providing more flexibility in how content is arranged and displayed across the site.
  • Advanced Content Management: Joomla excels in managing large amounts of content, thanks to its more advanced article management system. It is particularly well-suited for sites that require extensive categorization and tagging.

Cost Considerations

Comparison of Joomla vs Wordpress in Terms of Cost Considerations:


  • Cost of Setup: WordPress itself is free, but the costs can add up depending on the theme, plugins, and hosting you choose. Premium themes and plugins typically range from $30 to $100, while hosting can vary widely based on the provider and plan.
  • Maintenance Costs: Maintaining a WordPress site may involve costs for premium plugins, security updates, and possible developer fees if you need custom solutions.
  • E-commerce Costs: Running an e-commerce site on WordPress can involve additional expenses, such as WooCommerce extensions and payment processing fees.


  • Cost of Setup: Like WordPress, Joomla is free, but templates and extensions may come with costs. Joomla’s templates are often slightly more expensive than WordPress themes.
  • Maintenance Costs: Joomla sites can also incur maintenance costs, particularly if you use premium extensions or need to hire a developer for complex customizations.
  • E-commerce Costs: The costs for e-commerce in Joomla vary depending on the extensions you use, but VirtueMart and other e-commerce solutions generally have comparable pricing to WooCommerce.

Which one is better? wordpress and joomla

Conclusion: Which CMS Should You Choose – WordPress vs Joomla?

The choice between Joomla vs WordPress depends largely on your specific needs, technical expertise, and the type of website you want to build. Here’s a summary to help you decide:

  • Choose WordPress if:
    • You are a beginner or have limited technical knowledge.
    • You want a CMS with a vast community and extensive resources.
    • You need a platform that is easy to customize with themes and plugins.
    • You are building a blog, portfolio, or e-commerce site with straightforward requirements.
    • SEO is a top priority, and you want access to powerful SEO plugins.
  • Choose Joomla if:
    • You need a CMS that can handle complex, large-scale websites with advanced content management needs.
    • You require native multilingual support without relying on third-party plugins.
    • You are comfortable with a steeper learning curve and more advanced configuration options.
    • You want more flexibility in content organization and display.
    • Security and performance are critical, and you prefer a platform that is less frequently targeted by hackers.

Both Joomla vs WordPress are powerful tools in the right hands. WordPress is often the go-to for simplicity, flexibility, and a vibrant ecosystem, while Joomla shines in scenarios that demand more robust content management and scalability. Whether you’re building a personal blog or a large corporate site, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each CMS will guide you to the right choice for your project.

Joomla vs WordPress: Usage Distribution by Year

Ⅰ. 2003-2008
  • WordPress: Gained popularity rapidly, especially as a blogging platform. Its user-friendly interface and extensive plugin support helped it build a large user base.
  • Joomla: Recognized as a powerful content management system, but its user base did not grow as quickly as WordPress. Its more complex structure could be a barrier for some users.
Ⅱ. 2009-2014
  • WordPress: Continued to grow significantly and became the leading CMS in the market. Its customizable themes and plugins contributed to its increasing popularity.
  • Joomla: Maintained a steady user base but was preferred for more technical and large-scale projects. Joomla’s robust management features made it ideal for complex websites.
Ⅲ. 2015-2019
  • WordPress: Saw a substantial increase in market share, reaching between 60-65%. It became a popular choice for various types of websites, including e-commerce and blogs.
  • Joomla: Market share began to decline, but it remained in use for specific projects. Joomla’s advanced content and user management features continued to make it suitable for niche needs.
Ⅳ. 2020-Present
  • WordPress: Holds a market share of approximately 65-70%. The increase in digital transformation due to the COVID-19 pandemic further boosted its usage. It is widely used by both small and large businesses.
  • Joomla: Maintains a market share of around 5-7%. It continues to be used for larger and more complex projects but has a lower usage rate compared to WordPress, which offers a broader ecosystem and support.
  • WordPress: Has significantly increased its market share over the years and remains the leading CMS. Its user-friendly design and extensive ecosystem make it the preferred platform for many.
  • Joomla: Although it has a smaller market share, it is still used for specific projects and needs. Its advanced management capabilities make it a suitable choice for technical users and complex sites.
Joomla vs WordPress Comparison: The Best CMS for You
Joomla vs WordPress Comparison: The Best CMS for You

Joomla vs WordPress Comparison Table

OverviewLaunched in 2005; versatile CMS for various types of sitesLaunched in 2003; widely used for all types of websites
Ease of UseComplex interface; steeper learning curveUser-friendly interface; easy for beginners
Flexibility and CustomizationFlexible templates and powerful extensionsExtensive themes and plugins; easy customization
PerformanceGenerally fast; built-in caching and optimizationSpeed depends on hosting and plugins; many optimization tools available
SEO CapabilitiesBuilt-in SEO features; extensions availablePowerful SEO plugins; easy URL customization
SecurityRobust core security; specialized extensionsPopular target for attacks; numerous security plugins available
ScalabilityWell-suited for large and complex sitesScalable but may require additional resources for large sites
E-commerce CapabilitiesVirtueMart for e-commerce; less extensive than WooCommerceWooCommerce with extensive features and plugins
Community and SupportActive community; smaller than WordPressLargest CMS community; abundant resources
Multilingual SupportNative multilingual supportRequires plugins for multilingual functionality


In this article, I have compared Joomla vs Wordpress in detail for you. For my other wordpress articles, please click the link 👉 WordPress

Is It WordPress and What Theme Is That?


Hello, I am ALGO. I can be called a pathfinder in the complex world of the Internet. I am a WordPress specialist and SEO specialist. I design customized and optimized WordPress solutions for blogs, personal websites, corporate portals and even e-commerce platforms. I have in-depth knowledge of topics such as SEO expertise, content optimization, site speed improvements and search engine ranking strategies. In this way, I help my clients strengthen their online presence. If you want to strengthen your digital presence and increase your online success, do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks :)

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